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Blackvegetable » 08 Mar 2025, 8:28 am » wrote: You can't make **** like this up...

WASHINGTON - House Speaker Mike Johnson's chief of staff, Hayden Haynes, was arrested and charged with drunk driving after hitting a parked car following President Donald Trump's joint address to Congress Tuesday night, according to U.S. Capitol Police.

and not just any car...

In a statement to FOX 5, Capitol Police said, "a driver backed into a parked vehicle last night around 11:40 p.m. We responded and arrested them for DUI." 
 USCP confirmed to FOX 5 that the driver was Haynes and that he was taken into custody. According to a report by NBC News, the car Hayes hit was a Capitol vehicle and following his arrest, he was released with a citation to appear in court.

Fashy Moron Losers....
You can't, you just recite what has been made up by everyone else so far. Facts are about past experiences as a whole species, not current events of alternate realities still pretending life isn't self evident time adapting forward since conceived as uniquely here adapting one at a time.

The social mental isolation game of psychological class warfare dividing we from these, they, them, those people. Which ancestral lineage is your Combination of Chromosomes derived from? Black, brown, yellow, red, white?
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